Who are The Back Benchers?
Back Benchers are those who sit at the last bench of the class and enjoying the aura of last benches. Back Benchers are expert in whistling, making noise without being caught, poking others, munching, mints n chewing gum with less jaw movements Skilled in making paper-aero-planes and do cellphone stuff silently!! While front bencher students believed strongly that a classroom is meant only to study, Back Bencher students argued that there is more in life than just study, study and study. Back Benchers strongly believed that you can learn more if you enjoy more. Classrooms are lively because of the back benchers. While many front bench people fail to learn what life has in it to teach them a few back benchers fail in life itself. I strongly believe that what you learn doesn’t depend on whether you are a first bencher or the last bencher. It is never true that only people from first benches would come up in life and Back Benchers always lag behind. Remember India’s pr...